5 interesting wardrobe design interventions

Nowadays, wardrobes and closets are one of the linchpins of interior design. You cannot just pull off a plug and chug on these items anymore – you have to be creative and think outside the box. The problem with conventional wardrobe design is that it is either too plain, or it takes up a lot of the desired space within the layout.

The most redundant wardrobe design technique is when you make it a stand-out part of the room design. This makes the design stick out and become rather out of place. So whenever you design that conventional wardrobe, try to emulate it as an inherent part of the design itself.

This design comprises of a large cluster of unique wardrobes that cater to your clothing and fashion whimsy. This design is always clad in high gloss laminates and classy material/color combinations to ramp up the elegance and sophistication.

There is a lot of lee-way in the design of a walk-in closet. It consists of a group of wardrobes that are either designed by product organization or side-segregation.

This industrial chic wardrobe design is all about bringing out that raw, uncultivated vibe and presenting it in a sophisticated way.


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