tips for designing amazing restaurant interiors

A restaurant is both a recreational as well as a commercial space. It caters to a wide variety of people without any commonplace preference. So a restaurant interior design needs to be classy, but generic enough to appeal to even the most variant of sensibilities. An important thing to know is that any restaurant is all about the ambiance – you have to set up the atmosphere to be appetizing and stimulating at once, while making the layout engaging yet separate at the same time. In the era of contemporary, there are more than a several typologies of restaurants, and today we will be taking a look at a few of them.

A café is usually a boutique style restaurant with an emphasis on close quarters and an interior that is both modern and vintage at the same time. If you observe the image below, you will notice how the open floor layout has an almost fast foot outlet like vibe – just without all the greasy accoutrements to go. The brick wall reinforces a believable homely vibe, and the greenery is a take of contemporary sensibilities. Café’s usually amalgamate these two aspects to attract a more sophisticated younger customer base.

A coffee bar is always a part of the café style restaurant. It is usually constructed in lieu of an actual bar and is definitely designed to look like one. The coffee bar is small, usually ticked into a nook with all the requisite cups, mugs and cutlery. The seating is mostly individualistic, with stylish stools placed in front of the bar itself. The lighting in a coffee nook is always ambient, set to match a relaxing mood to fit a more comfortable vibe.

A local eatery run by residents of the community is known as a mom and pop business. This kind of a restaurant is all about setting up a vernacular or themed setting to give the best local experience to the customers. In themed layouts, this kind of a restaurant offers a reluctantly magical vibe that is all indigenous, but sometimes not. Overall, it can be pretty adorable.

Most restaurants these days are leaning towards the concept of exclusivity. The seating is designed in a way that there are alcoves to keep out the rush hour customers at bay. These alcoves are more private and offer a sense of exclusiveness to the high end customers.


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