Popular Home Design Trends For 2022

There has been a significant growth in the interior designing field in the past year. While some designers looked outside the box and broke the conventional rules, others turned to older ideas and appeals. We have noticed that some design trends stand out.

These are now commonly used and you will find at least one of these in most interior ideas. So, let’s have a look at some of the popular home design trends for 2022:

Accompanying a display case, or cabinet, even the shelves with lights are becoming quite normal. You might have come across at least one such idea. The blocks created for storage often have standalone lights in them.

These lights illuminate everything inside that specific box. And while it should feel unsettling, it looks brilliant. Most feature walls have started using this idea, as well.

If there’s one material that has made a prodigal return, it is the marble. Glossy surfaces and marble interiors has always been a sign of luxury and sophistication. As you can see in the picture, there are marble panels, the flooring and other additions.

The unique and different textures of marble from polished to rough or matte surfaces have created quite a stir. Instead of marble being on floors and platforms, it is growing as a wall panel.

Imagine five years ago, or in 2015, you wouldn’t get the idea of mixing different wooden textures together. The abstract concept almost sounded blasphemous. But here we are. With a brilliant line of different styles of wooden textures in a single interior.

For instance, wooden flooring would be bright or linear, while cabinets would be darker and vertical. Some even have patchwork or the natural wooden textures. Vice-versa is also true. Using more than two textures of wood in a single area has become quite a norm.

4. Classic W

Tinted glasses were just making up the list of popular designs in 2021. Yet, by 2022, we have seen a significant use of the blinds, once again. The classic blinds in any area that match the color pallet of the setup looks flawlessly great. They add a certain texture and homely appeal that everyone admires.



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