Ways to Connect With Your Home on a Deeper and More Spiritual Level Through Interior Design

Your home is your personal sanctuary, filled with love and peace. As our days get busier than ever, and the world around us becomes noisier, contrived, and unruly, our home becomes the place we come to slow down, breathe, and heal. Even if you are not a spiritual person, there is something extremely serene and sacred about a peaceful cocoon of love we can come to after a long and stressful day. However, a home that is filled with things that would impress other people and painted in colours that do not bring you joy will not bring the rest and relief that you need.

A home that is filled with artificial light and conditioned air, with no space for natural light and wind to freely flow around, will likely make you feel trapped in, rather than relaxed and unbound. In this article, we look at a few ways you can create a soothing and relaxing environment in your home and connect with your lovely habitat on a deeper and more spiritual level.

Light is always connected to positivity, good vibes, and happiness. Therefore, surrounding yourself with as much natural light as possible will bring a sense of joy to your home without even trying. Open your doors and windows and pull the curtains back during the day. Do not place heavy furniture near your windows. Keep the design theme light and airy, and add some white trips around your walls. You can also place mirrors where light settles in to diffuse rays of sunlight through the room. Light will add great energy to your home, and improve your state of mind in many ways throughout the day.

Brighter colours usually stimulate your brain and energize you, and neutrals put your mind at ease. A good combination of these two will make your home feel like a relaxing haven. Blue is a classic spiritual colour you can use. It helps to calm a busy mind. Use a mix of deep blues to soft tones to create depth and cohesiveness. Soft violet or lilac tones can also bring balance and inner peace. Green is another soothing and comforting colour. Pretty much any shade of green will leave you feeling calm, but the lighter shades will have you feeling more chilled out.

When you imagine a set of complete relaxation, odds are the first thing that comes to mind is a place surrounded by nature, be it a forest, mountains, or the sea. Indoor plants are a great way to bring nature inside your home and make it feel more relaxing and alive. Historically, we spent most of our time outdoors, which suggests that the human mind actually evolved in a sensory-rich natural environment. By having plants indoors, your mind brings you back to the peaceful state that was before the chaotic lives you live now. Try to get a variety of plants as a part of your interior design, with different leaf shapes, colours, textures, and sizes.

The smell is one of the most powerful senses we have which greatly impact our memories, emotions, creativity, and spirituality. Make it a habit to keep your home clean at all times, especially your kitchen, bathroom, and garbage bins. Have a bowl of pot-pourri in your living room, difficult your favourite essential oil, and place a basket full of limes on top of your dining table. Light a pleasant smelling candle and make a pot of coffee in the morning. Try to make your own air freshener rather than opting for artificial chemicals. The better your house will smell, the better you will feel.  


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