Here are Kitchen Design Ideas That Will Make You Want To Show Off Your Fantastic HDB Flat!

The kitchen is the place we spend most of our time. This area of the house is our very heart and soul. Many say that the exact personality of the homeowner is reflected in the interiors of their kitchen.

Well, if you want to change the impression your kitchen makes on your lovely guests, here are 5 mind-blowing kitchen renovation ideas that will make you want to show off your fantastic HDB flat!

on part of any Singaporean household. There is a reason why it is such a commonplace element in every home!

Not only does white marble make for excellent cleaning surfaces, but it also exudes a spotless environment that is otherwise not achieved by any other color. Now pairing this with the unbeatable classic wooden tones makes it the most sought-after look in HDB kitchens.

Spruce up the look of this classic kitchen by including stained glass on the windows, some geometrically patterned hanging lights, and a healthy dose of gilded plumbing.

What is the rumor that you heard? Is there truly a kitchen renovation that combines the unbeatable elegance of retro interiors and the clean sophistication of modern home decor? The answer is simple, ladies and gentlemen: YES!

Wondering how you can get this look? Just three simple steps will get you there! Firstly, do not be afraid to include the classic retro greens, pinks, yellows, and aquas in your kitchen. Secondly, take the timeless elegance of marble finish countertops from modern interior designs and integrate them into your very own kitchen! Finally, combine these polar opposite elements with new plans, cute wall hangings, and aesthetically patterned tiles. Voila! You’re done!

Before we had factory-produced colors, we were heavily dependent on vegetable and fruit colors to fulfill our renovation needs. We say…why not get inspired by that moment? Take a page out of 17th-century color manufacturers and use vibrant vegetable shades in your kitchen.

We’re spoilt for choice from Raspberry pinks to blueberry blues, from kale greens to beetroot reds! Add a string of opulent lighting to bring out the beauty of these timeless hues! Pair these lovely colors with a shiny variegated marble countertop.

Most Singaporean HDBs have beautifully compact kitchens that sport no-nonsense layouts. Renovating such kitchens may seem like a mammoth task, but we assure you that there is an incredible way of turning it around its head!

With compact kitchens, it becomes essential to play around with visual elements. Investing in army greens, soft blues, and baby pinks will make your kitchen look fresh and spacious at the same time. However, the main element remains the water-proof matte finish!

The kitchen is the most prone to stains, dirty hands, and messy tiles. If you want to maintain the integrity of your lovely kitchen, we recommend you add this element to the shelves while finalizing laminates and paints!


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