Gyeonggi Business Center Pvt. Ltd.

Established in 2015Gyeonggi Business Center has made a name for itself in the list of top suppliers of Consumer Durables, Electronic & Electricals, Industrial Machinery, Building & Construction Material & Supplies, Cosmetics, Hair Care, Industrial Products & Accessories, etc. in India. The supplier company is located in Mumbai, Maharashtra and is one of the leading sellers of listed products. These items are procured from different companies with whom we are associated with. Our partners have never left any scope for complaints as they provide us with only a satisfactory product assortment. Due to this, we have been able to keep promise of delivering flawless products to clients. From accurate packaging to safe delivery, we focus on each factor to receive appreciation from them. Owing to our perfection-focused approach, we have become their very first choice as a trader. In very less time, we have made our name embedded among leading companies of India and we still are growing upwards in the industry.


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Featured Professionals



Interior Designers
Experience : 5 Yrs.
Projects Done: 16
Minimum Project : ₹1 Lakh
Maximum Project : ₹20 lakh

The Iconic..


Interior Designers
Experience : 5 Yrs.
Projects Done: 24
Minimum Project : ₹1 Lakh
Maximum Project : ₹20 lakh

Aestheq Studios..

Mumbai Andheri

Interior Designers
Experience : 8 Yrs.
Projects Done: 25
Minimum Project : ₹1 Lakh
Maximum Project : ₹20 lakh

Meet Service company..

Mira Road (East)

Interior Designers
Experience : 5 Yrs.
Projects Done: 10
Minimum Project : ₹10,000
Maximum Project : ₹5 Lakh

Limehouse Design Studio..


Interior Designers
Experience : 6 Yrs.
Projects Done: 40
Minimum Project : ₹60,000
Maximum Project : ₹7 Lakh



Interior Designers
Experience : 5 Yrs.
Projects Done: 35
Minimum Project : ₹50,000
Maximum Project : ₹4 Lakh

P&T Design Studio..


Interior Designers
Experience : 6 Yrs.
Projects Done: 45
Minimum Project : ₹50,000
Maximum Project : ₹8 Lakh

Canvasinc Architecture In..


Interior Designers
Experience : 8 Yrs.
Projects Done: 50
Minimum Project : ₹70,000
Maximum Project : ₹8 Lakh

Anushka Contractor..


Interior Designers
Experience : 7 Yrs.
Projects Done: 35
Minimum Project : ₹50,000
Maximum Project : ₹9 Lakh



Interior Designers
Experience : 8 Yrs.
Projects Done: 50
Minimum Project : ₹70,000
Maximum Project : ₹8 Lakh

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The Design Chapel..


Interior Designers
Experience : 8 Yrs.
Projects Done: 65
Minimum Project : ₹7 Lakh
Maximum Project : ₹20 Lakh

amritha karnakar architec..


Interior Designers
Experience : 9 Yrs.
Projects Done: 75
Minimum Project : ₹4 Lakh
Maximum Project : ₹30 Lakh

Kaleido Architecture..


Interior Designers
Experience : 10 Yrs.
Projects Done: 85
Minimum Project : ₹40 Lakh
Maximum Project : ₹1 Cr Above

Solids and Voids..


Interior Designers
Experience : 11 Yrs.
Projects Done: 80
Minimum Project : ₹1 Lakh
Maximum Project : ₹50 Lakh

Kavita Bhalerao..


Interior Designers
Experience : 12 Yrs.
Projects Done: 95
Minimum Project : ₹10 Lakh
Maximum Project : ₹75 Lakh

The Inside Stories - By M..


Interior Designers
Experience : 7 Yrs.
Projects Done: 55
Minimum Project : ₹8 Lakh
Maximum Project : ₹30 Lakh

Pramukh Inc..


Interior Designers
Experience : 9 Yrs.
Projects Done: 80
Minimum Project : ₹7 Lakh
Maximum Project : ₹30 Lakh



Interior Designers
Experience : 12 Yrs.
Projects Done: 90
Minimum Project : ₹1 Lakh
Maximum Project : ₹40 Lakh

Human Scale Designs..


Interior Designers
Experience : 9 Yrs.
Projects Done: 70
Minimum Project : ₹5 Lakh
Maximum Project : ₹50 Lakh

DesignCurve Studio..


Interior Designers
Experience : 7 Yrs.
Projects Done: 45
Minimum Project : ₹10 Lakh
Maximum Project : ₹30 Lakh